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As NZ-leading clinical experts in the assessment and treatment of autism and ADHD, we offer gold-standard treatment in this area. Our aim is to provide a holistic and individualistic approach to assessment. We have a multidisciplinary team of psychologists and educational psychologists working across multiple scopes alongside our in-house paediatrician. Our team can formally evaluate individuals for, and diagnose, autism and ADHD. These diagnostic assessments are recognised by the government.
New this year is that we now offer cognitive and educational assessments, completed by our Educational Psychologist, Dr Jemila Chadwick.
Our lead clinician Dr Camilla Nguyen, Clinical Psychologist, has a wealth of experience in the field of neurodiversity. Her master’s and doctoral theses focussed on autism, and she has subsequently worked across a variety of settings supporting our neurodiverse community: paediatric, community mental health, intellectual disability, education, sexual health, and Ministry of Education. Camilla has a special interest in assessing and working therapeutically with girls and women with autism and ADHD. Camilla has been interviewed in both paper and television regarding her expertise in this field. She regularly runs workshops and trainings in this area for professionals.
We pride ourselves on offering a high standard of care: whether this is seeing a psychologist or therapist for neuro-affirming therapy, medication review, or speech and language therapy involvement. Please note that our psychologists cannot prescribe medications. Our paediatrician Dr Danny Stewart can offer medication review (if required) for children and teens up to 17 years of age. For older teens and adults, we work closely with our local psychiatrists to refer clients on for aftercare .
GP referrals are not necessary; we are happy to accept self-referrals. We will discuss with you on a case-by-case basis if we require a GP referral.
How can we help?